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Snow Load Overloading Letter

Metal Building Snow Load

1559  Laskin  Road  Virginia  Beach , VA  23451

Phone: 1 – 888 -234 7 -0475  Fax : 1 – 800 – 500 – 3445

November 16, 2016 Sent Via email

Subject: Potential Roof Snow Overload Condition

Dear ABC Atlantic Division Builder:

Winter is almost here and in much of the Atlantic Divisions territory winter brings with it the potential for roof snow overloading conditions on many steel buildings and structures. For your reference, I have attached a copy of the recommended MBMA Snow Removal Guidelines as well as the GBDC and AMS Guidelines. Please carefully review this information and share it with your customers and other metal building owners. In the unfortunate event that a structure has experienced damage, please take immediate steps to insure the safety of those in and around the building. We recommend that a local consulting engineer be involved in the process to assist with safe and practical solutions to secure the structure and minimize further damage. is a metal building distributor and does not act as the Engineer of Record for the original construction of a project or for the repairs of a damaged structure or as Consulting Engineers for distressed buildings. If the need arises, Garage buildings will support you in the sale and supply of replacement materials to assist the Owner with any repairs or reconstruction of the metal building. Please contact one of our Technical Service Centers to execute a contract to purchase materials with proper design specification and code compliance as determined by a licensed engineer involved in the investigation. Thank you for your attention to this issue and please do not hesitate to contact me or one of our Customer Service Supervisors if you have any questions. You will be directed to one of our Engineering Supervisors who stand ready to assist you in any way that is able.

Greg Kuebrich
Builder Services Manager

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